MT-Corrector software is intended for the viewing, editing and constructing the smooth spline approximations of the frequency dependences of tensor impedance components. Program has the advanced graphic user interface and large number of special capabilities. It is capable of being important part of practically any software bundle, intended for processing and interpretation of MT data.
The result of MT data processing and Visa-Parkinson matrix are the frequency dependences of tensor of impedance components. Frequency dependences obtained through the majority of the existing processing software are not smooth, in particular they can contain “rebounds”. This can substantially hamper the subsequent analysis processes, normalization and data interpretation. MT-Corrector software allows to view, edit and smooth out the frequency dependences of tensor of impedance components by approximating splines.
MT-Corrector, in particular, allows:
- to view the frequency dependences (curves), built for tensor impedance components as a result of the basic processing stage.
- to compile data, which is contained in the different files into one curve, what is, for example, the integral part of the given processing graph, acquired through “Phoenix” equipment.
- to delete isolated sites and their groups, which can be comprised based on different criteria.
- to enter additional reference sites based on information about cultural noise
- to build the smoothed out spline approximation curves, which help finding a compromise between the contradictory conditions: (a) the passage of a spline approximation as close as possible to average for each period values and (b) its maximum smoothness .
- to conduct the comparison of splines, obtained from phase curves, with the derivatives of splines, obtained from corresponding amplitude curves.
- to analyze both the curves, obtained from amplitude and phase impedances, and according to its real and imaginary parts, and also curves of the apparent resistivity.
- to multiply the components amplitude by the assigned coefficient and invert or change phase to the value multiple 180°.
MT-Corrector is supplied with convenient graphic user interface with large number of capabilities, which allow to modify even very low-quality data into acceptable form fast and error-free.